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Total War Warhammer Chaos Legendary Lords

Whether you know them as Druchii, Nagarrothi, or Dark Ones, there’s no mistaking the savagery and cruelty of Warhammer’s Dark Elves. Their leadership, army roster, and campaign mechanics reflect their twisted nature, so if you’re not a murderous slaver yourself, you’ll want a rundown of how they work. You’ll want this handy Total War: Warhammer II Dark Elves guide.

  • Prefer rats? Sneak-scheme your way to domination with our Total War: Warhammer 2 Skaven race guide.
  • Agent of the Old Ones? Enact the Great Plan with our Total War: Warhammer 2 Lizardmen guide.
  • Superiority complex? Put the Asur back on top with our Total War: Warhammer 2 High Elves guide.
  • You can read our full review of Total War: Warhammer 2 here.

Nov 08, 2018.

  1. After you moved your Lord towards Winter Pyre, select the second one and continue recruiting army - add 2 more Chaos Marauders. Use the 12th turn to get closer to Winter Pyre and add 2 more units to the second Lord - this time 1x Chaos Marauder and 1x Marauder Horsemen. Additionally, select a new research - Skulls for the Skull Throne.
  2. May 25, 2020.

After something specific? We’ve broken our Dark Elf guide down into the following sections to make it easier for you to find your way around:

Dark Elves Legendary Lords

Warhammer Total War Chaos Legendary Lords

Malekith, Witch King of Naggaroth

Malekith is the son of Aenarion the Defender, the High Elves’ first Phoenix King. Accordingly, he felt he should inherit the throne of Ulthuan, their island paradise, but its princes passed him over to elect Bel Shanaar, the Explorer. Malekith served Bel Shanaar loyally for a while, but eventually tired of it, had him poisoned, and tried to seize the throne for himself. A bitter civil war followed, in the midst of which Malekith stepped into the sacred flames of Asuryan, which anoint each Phoenix King. Contrary to his expectations, they rejected him, scarring him horribly. Eventually he and his followers were driven from Ulthuan to settle in the bleak and frozen land of Naggaroth, where they indulged their hatred, spite, and vanity, becoming the Dark Elves. Malekith has ruled them as their Witch King ever since.

Malekith is skilled in both might and magic, wields a number of powerful magic items, and rides a black dragon named Seraphon into battle. In Total War: Warhammer II, Malekith leads the Naggarond faction. Here are his unique effects:

  • Diplomatic relations: +30 with Cult of Pleasure
  • Malekith gives a percentage of XP earned to other Lords
  • Increased chance of loyalty loss for any Lords who attain higher rank than Malekith
  • Starts the game with some Black Guard of Naggarond and a Reaper Bolt Thrower

Morathi, his mum

Aenarion the Defender rescued Morathi, a seemingly innocent elven damsel in distress, from a band of Chaos cultists. Given what happened next, she may have fallen to Chaos shortly thereafter, or may have been their leader all along.

Either way, it was Morathi who founded the Cult of Pleasure, an insidious sect dedicated to the Chaos God Slaanesh who ultimately caused the Sundering of the elven race. The Cult’s influence spread throughout Ulthuan, turning its nobility to indolent hedonism and sparking a civil war. After Morathi’s son by Aenarion, Malekith, was passed over for the throne in favour of Bel Shanaar, Morathi watered the seeds of resentment in his heart until he made an attempt on the throne. She threw her Cult’s weight behind her son, escalating the civil war, but they were ultimately defeated and driven to Naggaroth.

Morathi is now a powerful sorceress. She rides the dark pegasus Sulephet into battle and is protected by the favour of the dark gods, rather than, er, conventional armour. Or clothing. In Total War: Warhammer II, she leads the Cult of Pleasure faction. Here are her unique effects: Malayalam font pack.

  • Spreads Chaos corruption
  • Diplomatic relations: +20 with Dark Elves
  • Hero action cost: -50%
  • On turn start, Lords in Morathi’s region have a chance to gain loyalty
  • Starts the game with some Harpies and a War Hydra

Dark Elves Slaves

Dark Elves use gold like other races, and they’ll aim to collect Scrolls of Hekarti in order to disrupt Ulthuan’s Vortex (the Elven pantheon is divided into negative and positive aspects, andHekartiis the negative aspect of magic).

But because they’re not very nice people and don’t like to get their own hands dirty, they have a unique third currency: Slaves. Yes, CA went there, so now we have to as well. You have the option to acquire slaves after battles or when sacking enemy settlements, which seems to be the most lucrative ‘source’.

Slaves are distributed around your empire’s provinces. The more a province has, the more gold its settlements will produce, but if you have too many, public order will suffer. Dark Elf settlements have some buildings that raise a province’s slave capacity, increase their slaves’ gold output, and decrease slaves’ rate of decline (nicer dungeons, I guess). You can manage slave populations in a new menu, giving provinces high, low, or normal priority as destinations for new captives.

This makes for some interesting choices. Got a province that’s high in public order? Kit it out to support slaves and get raiding, but keep them away from places where the populace is already unhappy. It’s a characterful nudge to stay appropriately violent when playing Dark Elves, as lots of slaves, correctly managed, will result in a supercharged economy.

Slaves are also the currency for the Dark Elves’ rites, which you can see above. New to Warhammer II, each race gets four of these campaign-level power moves. Currencies, cooldowns, and unlock conditions are as varied as their effects, but one obvious note to make about the Dark Elf rites is that these are how you’ll recruit Black Arks.

Dark Elves Black Arks

In the lore, Black Arks are colossal floating fortresses built on the backs of summoned sea monsters. They’re never seen in the tabletop game for obvious reasons, yet it wouldn’t have felt right for them to be absent from Total War – the new context of a grand strategy game presents intreresting challenges like that.

Black Arks are, essentially, mobile settlements; they have their own building trees, ten building slots, and can recruit units to an army of their own. They can also support nearby armies via the Dread Expansion stance, which projects a sphere of influence – all Dark Elf armies within it get +10% replenishment, and can recruit units directly from the Black Ark. The stance renders the Ark immobile, and slows its own replenishment.

Lastly, Black Arks can also provide bombardment support for nearby Dark Elf land battles. The system is exactly the same as it was in Shogun II: Total War, lead writer Andy Hall says – you can see it in action in this battle.

In summary, whenever you fight a battle within range of a Black Ark, you’ll be able to target bombardments much as you would spells. Several types are offered via a menu at the side of the screen, from concentrated fire attacks to wide-ranging splash damage – it’s likely that building upgrades on the Ark will unlock new bombardment types. Each appears to have three charges, and to be on an eight-second cooldown.

Dark Elves Names of Power

Speaking with PCGamesN at Gamescom 2017, Hall also revealed a neat mechanic for Dark Elf characters.

“The way Dark Elves name themselves – it’s not hereditary,” he says. “That’s why they’ve got all these cool names like ‘Soulstealer’ and ‘Knifestabber’. You can name your Dark Elves, and you can give them a Noble Name, or a Warrior Name, or – I think – a Sage Name. You then have to perform. You’ve got to live up to the expectation of that name, and if you do, you get these big buffs.”

Those three Names of Power are mutually exclusive choices in your Lords’ skill trees, and you’ll be able to pick one when the Lord reaches a certain level. Fleabag season 2 torrent. Martial names buff your character’s combat skills, Revered names buff their army, and Aristocratic names buff either the local province or the faction as a whole on the campaign map.

One Aristocratic name we see in this Dark Elf campaign gameplay confers +8 local public order, and +5% gold income from settlements in all regions.

And yet, it seems that these Names of Power can go to your characters’ heads; Hall confirms that “Dark Elves have the same loyalty problems” as the Skaven (though a loyalty meter, like we saw on Skaven Lords, isn’t obvious in the Dark Elf gameplay).

Dark Elves Army Roster

The Dark Elves have a lot of similar units to their High kin – whether they want to admit it or not – but most have a nastier, more aggressive twist. For instance, the Black Guard of Naggarond are the harder-hitting counterparts of the Phoenix Guard – though they both share the same role in their respective armies, the Phoenix Guard are more defensive in nature.

But the Dark Elves aren’tsolelyan angrier mirror of the Asur. They have some monsters and iconic units that are all their own, such as quick-healing Hydras, frenzied Witch Elves and seafaring Black Ark Corsairs. For a full run-down, check out theTotal War: Warhammer 2 Dark Elf army roster.

Dark Elves Murderous Prowess

In battle as the Dark Elves, you’ll notice apurple bar at the top of the screen. That represents progress towards the ‘Murderous Prowess’ ability, which triggers when enough enemy units die, representing the Dark Elves’ tendency to lapse into an orgy of killing. When Murderous Prowess pops, it grants +25% melee attack, +15 leadership, +25% charge bonus, +20% armour piercing missile damage (if applicable), and +30% vigour. Some units have a higher tier of this ability, called Murderous Mastery, which means they also cause Fear.

This is obviously massive, especially the bit about vigour – units are significantly less effective when they’re tired. It should be possible to hold back a deadly spell or a high-impact charge until you’re right on the edge of Murderous Prowess, so as to pop it at a crucial time – you can see this in action in this Let’s Play, where a Black Ark bombardment triggers Murderous Prowess just as a unit of Dark Riders smashes into a group of High Elf archers. That’s a whole flank gone.

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(Redirected from Legendary Lords)
Creative Assembly makes promotional skill posters for each Legendary Lord.
Looking for something else? See our Lord disambiguation page.

Legendary Lords or LLs are powerful individuals from Warhammer Fantasy lore. In Total War: Warhammer and its sequels, they are Lords (a type of character unit) who are playable in the campaign, multiplayer and custom battles. Each campaign must be started with the player choosing a legendary lord + faction.

Most legendary lords lead their own faction that is unique to them. However in a few cases, multiple legendary lords may share the same faction. This is explained in detail below.

During a campaign, players can also recruit other legendary lords for their race through diplomacy, completing certain objectives or other means.

Note there is also unique lords, which are different to legendary lords.

  • 3Total War: Warhammer II Legendary Lords

How Legendary Lords work[edit | edit source]

Recruiting legendary lords: St dupont serial number check.

  • In campaign, only one of each Legendary Lord can be recruited at a time - they are unique. For instance, there can't be two of Karl Franz on the campaign map.
  • When starting a campaign, players pick a faction and then a Legendary Lord to begin with.
  • Some factions have multiple legendary lords available.
    • In this case, the player must pick one to start the campaign with and then must complete certain objectives to 'unlock' his/her faction's other legendary lords for recruitment.
  • If a legendary lord belongs to a different faction (of the same race), the player may instead confederate that faction to gain access to the legendary lord.

Skills, abilities and effects:

  • Beyond being powerful units in battle, they have access to unique Legendary items, which are especially powerful and cannot be lost in campaign battles.
    • See Total War: Warhammer items#Legendary items and Total War: Warhammer II items#Legendary items.
  • Each one has a unique skill tree with personalised skills and abilities.
  • Each LL will start the campaign with additional units in their army which are higher tier. For instance Tyrion begins with a Silver Helms (Shields), Ithilmar Chariot and White Lions of Chrace.
  • Each LL has their own special effects which apply if they are chosen to start the campaign. These effects may be specific to themselves, their army, or their entire faction.

Character traits:

  • Legendary lords may have special unique character traits given to them.
  • Defeating a Legendary Lord in Total War: Warhammer II will grant a special trait to the lord that does it. Each LL grants a different trait.
  • See Legendary Lord character traits for more info.

Other info:

  • During a campaign, when engaging in diplomacy with a playable faction, that faction will have a Legendary Lord representing them as the faction leader.
  • Some legendary lords require paid DLC to play as, others may be free but require the player to download them from Steam manually.
  • Legendary Lords will have special quest missions, which often culminate in a set piece battle and the lord gaining a legendary item.
  • Legendary Lords cannot permanently die (only be temporarily wounded) unless their entire faction is wiped out.

Total War: Warhammer Legendary Lords[edit | edit source]

These are all the lords that were added in Total War: Warhammer.

Total War: Warhammer is no longer updated, so this is the final list for that game.

Click 'expand' to expand the table.

Legendary lords introduced in Total War: Warhammer
RaceFactionLord nameCampaign unlock requirementsRequired DLC
DwarfsDwarfsThorgrim GrudgebearerClear 8 GrudgesBase game
Ungrim IronfistOccupy Karak Kadrin in Peak PassBase game
GrombrindalConstruct a Monument of GrimnirFree download on Steam
Clan AngrundBelegar IronhammerN/AThe King and the Warlord
The EmpireThe EmpireEmperor Karl FranzConfederate with another factionBase game
Balthasar GeltConstruct the Altdorf Conclave of Battle WizardsBase game
Volkmar the GrimConstruct a Temple of SigmarThe Grim and the Grave
Vampire CountsVampire CountsMannfred von CarsteinOccupy all of Eastern and Western SylvaniaBase game
Heinrich KemmlerConstruct a Forbidden LibraryBase game
Helman GhorstChoose the Assimilate post-battle option 10 timesThe Grim and the Grave
Von CarsteinVlad von CarsteinAvailable on Turn 1Free, no download required
Isabella von CarsteinAvailable on Turn 1Free download on Steam
GreenskinsGreenskinsGrimgor IronhideChoose the Slaughter post-battle option 10 timesBase game
Azhag the SlaughtererConstruct a Shaman's HutBase game
The Bloody HandzWurrzagN/AFree download on Steam
Crooked MoonSkarsnikN/AThe King and the Warlord
BeastmenBeastmenKhazrak the One-EyeChoose the Sacrifice post-battle option 10 timesCall of the Beastmen
Malagor the Dark OmenConstruct a Ritual MoundCall of the Beastmen
Morghur the ShadowgaveConstruct a Pits of HorrorCall of the Beastmen
Warriors of ChaosWarriors of ChaosArchaon the EverchosenChoose the Sacrifice post-battle option 10 timesChaos Warriors Race Pack
Sigvald the MagnificentAwaken 4 Norscan TribesChaos Warriors Race Pack
Kholek SuneaterConstruct a Dragon Ogre GatheringChaos Warriors Race Pack
BretonniaBretonniaKing Louen LeoncoeurN/AFree download on Steam
BordeleauxAlberic de BordeleauxN/AFree download on Steam
CarcassonneThe Fay EnchantressN/AFree download on Steam
Wood ElvesWood ElvesOrionN/ARealm of the Wood Elves
ArgwylonDurthuN/ARealm of the Wood Elves
NorscaNorscaWulfrik the WandererN/ANorsca (DLC)
WintertoothThroggN/ANorsca (DLC)

Total War: Warhammer II Legendary Lords[edit | edit source]

These are all the legendary lords added so far for Total War: Warhammer II.

All the first game's lords are playable in Mortal Empires. Some of them have been changed for the second game. Scroll down further for another table showing that.

Total War Warhammer Chaos Gods

Legendary lords introduced in Total War: Warhammer II
RaceFactionLord nameRequired DLC
BretonniaChevaliers de LyonesseRepanse de LyonesseFree download on Steam
The EmpireThe Huntsmarshal's ExpeditionMarkus WulfhartThe Hunter and the Beast
GreenskinsBroken AxeGrom the PaunchThe Warden and the Paunch
High ElvesEataineTyrionBase game
Order of LoremastersTeclisBase game
NagarytheAlith AnarFree download on Steam
AvelornAlarielle the RadiantThe Queen and the Crone
YvresseEltharionThe Warden and the Paunch
Knights of CaledorImrikFree download on Steam
Dark ElvesNaggarondMalekithBase game
Cult of PleasureMorathiBase game
The Blessed DreadLokhir FellheartFree download on Steam
Hag GraefMalus DarkbladeThe Shadow & The Blade
Har GanethCrone HellebronThe Queen and the Crone
LizardmenHexoatlLord MazdamundiBase game
Last DefendersKroq-GarBase game
TlaquaTiktaq'toFree download on Steam
Cult of SotekTehenhauinThe Prophet and the Warlock
ItzaGor-RokFree download on Steam
Spirit of the JungleNakai the WandererThe Hunter and the Beast
SkavenClan MorsQueek HeadtakerBase game
Clan PestilensLord SkrolkBase game
Clan RictusTretch CraventailFree download on Steam
Clan EshinDeathmaster SnikchThe Shadow & The Blade
Clan SkryreIkit ClawThe Prophet and the Warlock
Tomb KingsKhemriSettra the ImperishableRise of the Tomb Kings
Court of LybarasHigh Queen KhalidaRise of the Tomb Kings
Exiles of NehekGrand Hierophant KhatepRise of the Tomb Kings
Followers of NagashArkhan the BlackRise of the Tomb Kings
Vampire CoastVampire CoastLuthor HarkonCurse of the Vampire Coast
DreadfleetCount NoctilusCurse of the Vampire Coast
Pirates of SartosaAranessa SaltspiteCurse of the Vampire Coast
The DrownedCylostra DirefinCurse of the Vampire Coast

First game lords[edit | edit source]

In Total War: Warhammer II, first game lords are all playable in the Mortal Empires campaign. Ender%27s game audiobook mp3. However, there has been many changes and updates to them. Click 'expand' to expand the table.

In this table, 'base game' means the first game, which is required to play Mortal Empires.

Total War Warhammer 2 Best Chaos Legendary Lord

TWW1 Lords playable in the second game --
RaceFactionLord nameCampaign unlock requirementsRequired DLC
DwarfsKaraz-a-KarakThorgrim GrudgebearerClear 8 GrudgesBase game
GrombrindalConstruct a Monument of GrimnirFree download on Steam
Karak KadrinUngrim IronfistN/ABase game
Clan AngrundBelegar IronhammerN/AThe King and the Warlord
The EmpireReiklandEmperor Karl FranzConfederate with another factionBase game
Volkmar the GrimConstruct a Temple of SigmarThe Grim and the Grave
The Golden OrderBalthasar GeltN/ABase game
Vampire CountsSylvaniaMannfred von CarsteinOccupy all of Eastern and Western SylvaniaBase game
Helman GhorstChoose the Assimilate post-battle option 10 timesThe Grim and the Grave
The Barrow LegionHeinrich KemmlerN/ABase game
Von CarsteinVlad von CarsteinAvailable on Turn 1Free, no download required
Isabella von CarsteinAvailable on Turn 1Free download on Steam
GreenskinsGrimgor's 'ArdboyzGrimgor IronhideN/ABase game
BonerattlazAzhag the SlaughtererN/ABase game
The Bloody HandzWurrzagN/AFree download on Steam
Crooked MoonSkarsnikN/AThe King and the Warlord
BeastmenBeastmenKhazrak the One-EyeChoose the Sacrifice post-battle option 10 timesCall of the Beastmen
Malagor the Dark OmenConstruct a Ritual MoundCall of the Beastmen
Morghur the ShadowgaveConstruct a Pits of HorrorCall of the Beastmen
Warriors of ChaosWarriors of ChaosArchaon the EverchosenChoose the Sacrifice post-battle option 10 timesChaos Warriors Race Pack
Sigvald the MagnificentAwaken 4 Norscan TribesChaos Warriors Race Pack
Kholek SuneaterConstruct a Dragon Ogre GatheringChaos Warriors Race Pack
BretonniaCouronneKing Louen LeoncoeurN/AFree download on Steam
BordeleauxAlberic de BordeleauxN/AFree download on Steam
CarcassonneThe Fay EnchantressN/AFree download on Steam
Wood ElvesTalsynOrionN/ARealm of the Wood Elves
ArgwylonDurthuN/ARealm of the Wood Elves
NorscaWorld WalkersWulfrik the WandererN/ANorsca (DLC)
WintertoothThroggN/ANorsca (DLC)

See also[edit | edit source]

Total War Warhammer 2 Chaos Legendary Lords

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Total War Warhammer Chaos Legendary Lords
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